Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Puppy Love

These photos were taken at Ryan's birthday party at school. The girl in the top picture is M, totally adorned by Ryan. What caught my attention was the fact that Ryan didn't show much interest in girls before. He has always been more fond of boys. But M is the first girl he wants to talk to and many times asks about both at home and school. I saw the way he is following her around or trying to catch her attention. It was so adorable! So while I was jokingly telling grandma about this, Ryan's cousin Tony approached Ryan to tease him. Here is their childlike but adorable conversation:

Tony: I heard you have crush on two girls at school?

Ryan: No, just one. ( ;0 I thought he would deny it or have no clue what his cousin was referring to.)

Tony: Who is she?

Ryan: silence....

Tony: Is it S, T, E or....

Ryan: No, it's M. (To my total surprise, I didn't think he would say it out loud. We never commented on this subject to him before.)

Mother: Why did you like her? (I had to step in....)

Ryan: She is so cute.

Mother: What is cute about her? (Envy..)

Ryan: Everything.

JR is Ryan's best buddy at school. They started on the same date and bonded closely by crying together through the initial transitional period.


Venus ~ Vi said...

AHHHHH.....Ryan is so cute! Kids are so honest and true to their feelings =)

I hope the feeling is mutual between Ryan and M!

Stacy said...

The last sentence of this post made me laugh and reminded me of being so young. They are both adorable kids.