Thursday, December 27, 2007

Last-minute Christmas Tree

This is our X’mas tree number two for the season. I made a chocolate dipped strawberry tree earlier this month, which lasted only for a day because of its popularity. I thought that was it for this year since we’d be spending most of the holidays at Yosemite Park. It turned out we would have some friends and family over right after our Yosemite trip. In order to greet our guests with some holiday festivities, I made this last-minute tree by cutting the plum branch from the backyard, stuffing the jar with holly berries from the trees and hanging some ornaments and X'mas wish notes. Viola- it’s an instant booster for holiday ambiance.

Given the time constraints, I’m quite pleased with the way it turned out. Perhaps we should keep this as our holiday tradition since it’s easy to assemble and environmentally friendly. There is no more fuss of transporting the tree from the shop and tons of waste after the holidays.


Myshell said...

I like it! Kudos on you for thinking outside the Christmas box.
Cheers to the New Year!

22 Butterfly said...

Hi Myshell,
Thanks for your nice comment. Given the time constraint, I had to work with what I had at the time for this
X'mas tree. I also visited your blog and your three daughters look adorable! Your hubby is also a 356 fan? So is my husband. They said once one reaches 40, one starts to appreciate things with age. It's very true for my hubby. Anyway, happy holidays to your family.

Myshell said...

Actually, the 356 lover is my brother...I should have more progress photos to add to his blog soon...Cheers to the New Year! I hope you are spending it with the ones you love.